Will The Second Impeachment Result in Conviction?

Chart Data – Time Impeachment Passed in the House – Jan 13, 2021 4:37 PM Washington DC

For those who want to cut straight to the chase, the chart indicates the Senate will vote to convict. The decision will likely be the last week of February.

We read this as a Horary Question Chart. The Moon’s movement through its sign and the aspects it makes tell the story of the ensuing period during which the answer to this question will be resolved.

At the time of the impeachment Trump is the president, represented by the 10th House with Aries at the MC and Mars-Uranus in the 10th. Accused of inciting a violent insurrection, this symbolism fits perfectly.

The 7th House represents Prosecutors and Juries. The members of the House of Representatives here are not acting in their role as lawmakers, but as Prosecutor and Grand Jury. Capricorn is on the Descendant, with ruler Saturn part of a 4 planet stellium in Aquarius, also in the 7th. This stellium directly squares Mars-Uranus in the 10th. We have a huge amount of tension between these two forces, both in fixed signs. The stellium in Aquarius brings the emotionally detached demeanor of an air sign, weighing their decision carefully with an awareness of what is best for society, what will embody ideals of fairness, and what do our codified laws and rules require? The emotional nature of the Moon is tempered by the more rational Saturn, Jupiter, and Mercury. Decision making is sober and based in evidence. The decision must provide for the safety, security, and national security of our nation (chart Ascendant Cancer). Again, the symbolism captures the moment.

The evidence for conviction includes that the ruler of the 7th House, Saturn in Aquarius, is much more powerful and comfortable in its dignity than is the ruler of the 10th, Mars in Taurus – comparatively weak and physically constrained in a fixed earth sign ruled by Venus. The Saturn ruled stellium (Congress) is MUCH more powerful than Mars (the president) is. The Moon is conjunct the fixed star Altair, giving it a bold, confident, valiant, and unyielding yet liberal nature. Lastly, we observe the Moon’s aspects – marching through conjunctions with all the planets in Aquarius and squaring Mars-Uranus in Taurus in short order. The LAST ASPECT is a conjunction with Mercury, ruler of the 3rd and 12th Houses. Mercury represents facts, data, information, and evidence. Communications (3rd house) and secret plots to commit insurrection and sabotage (12 House) will be presented. As the Moon, Representative of The People, confronts and receives the evidence, it will accept the truth of what happened and rule to convict based on the Rule of Law (Saturn-Jupiter conjunction) in order to preserve and protect our national security (foremost concern of the people, Cancer rising).

The timing of the final outcome is based on the placement of the relevant planets in Fixed Signs within Angular Houses. The Moon will travel 6 degrees from 2 AQ to 8 AQ to form its final aspect. This translates into 6 weeks of time according to Horary intepretation. Six weeks from 1/13 is 2/24. Lets look for sometime the last week of Feb for a resolution to this trial. It will be a tense and bumpy ride – all squares all the way!

Winter Solstice USA 2020

Chart: Dec 21, 2020 5:03 AM Washington, DC

Ascendant: 29° Scorpio

The populace is experiencing the culmination of forces threatening survival – consequently fear, resentment, paranoia, grief, and rage are at a peak. A shift is on the horizon, but first we MUST face get through the current conditions.

Ruler Mars square Pluto:

Mass Death as part of our shared national life. There will also be acts of violence, assaults, property destruction, rebellion, brutality. With Mars in the 5th House, men “playing” at war, doing it for sport.

Venus in Sagittarius, intercepted in 1st, inconjunct Uranus

As ruler of the 6th, Venus may indicate the military/police are called in to keep the peace.

There could be a disruption or interruption of availability of services we depend on to due unexpected or sudden events. Interruptions could be internet or electrical outages, infrastructure failures, wildcat strikes, or sabotage by a hostile foreign enemy.

The Economy: 2nd House Capricorn, 5 planets in (2), Saturn cnj Jupiter (2)

The major concern for the winter quarter is THE ECONOMY. With Pluto in the second House, there has been destruction of economic security for many. Businesses, jobs, savings, and assets have been wiped out. With Mars squaring Pluto there may be a dramatic hit to the stock market and/or banks this winter. With the Sun-Mercury on the cusp at 0° Cap, we can expect the birth of a new presidential focus on helping to revive the economy. The Saturn-Jupiter conjunction at 0° Aquarius also in this House confirms that the US will start to undergo a REFORMATION of economic principles to ensure greater fairness and redistribution of wealth. A new, “New Deal” of sorts will be proposed.

Jupiter-Saturn conjunction at 0° Aquarius

This conjunction occurs every 20 years. For Astrologers, it is known as the Great Conjunction. It is the beginning of a new 20 year cycle of reorganizing society around the issues, needs, and problems signified by its sign. The last 20 years were initiated by a conjunction in Taurus and we have witnessed twenty years spent focusing on maximizing personal and corporate wealth with a couple of serious economic recessions directly caused by unmitigated greed.

We now enter a cycle focused on fulfilling the dictates of the sign of Aquarius – ideals of social fairness, equality, liberty, tolerance, and individuation. We feel the urge to experience our place in the larger social world and participate in a greater social purpose. We can expect societal movement towards addressing economic inequality, racial justice, and gender freedom. We will see innovations and “reimagining” of how to structure many government functions. The US starts the Solstice with the conjunction in the 2nd House, so our first focus will address economic issues.

Politics: 4th – 10th House Axis

The 4th House represents the “party out of power,” in this case the Republican party because they lost the election. It has Pisces on the IC, with a Neptune-Moon conjunction in Pisces as well. This clearly describes the GOP, indicating a reliance on propaganda, deceit, falsehood, and cheating that keeps some of the people in its thrall. The party runs on themes of being victims, martyrs, or looking for saviors. The Moon sextiles Pluto, emphasizing the fanaticism and potential for violent emotional reactions and expression. Moon-Neptune squares the Nodal axis, indicating this delusional cult will persist in its folly until it meets its fate. There will be no exit ramp for them. Jupiter, ruler of the 4th, conjoining Saturn, the planet of aging, death, and loss, indicates we may be witnessing the beginning of the end of the Republican party. This symbolism suggests that the Democrats will eke out wins in the Georgia run-off elections, unless the Republicans manage to “win” through sabotage or cheating.

The 10th House is the “party in power.” Here we have Virgo on the MC, its ruler Mercury snugged up in a conjunction with the Sun at 0° Capricorn. The zero degree placement indicates we will have a NEW president on Jan 20th and a NEW administration, more signs of Biden’s win. Virgo signifies the Democratic party is focused on practical issues – health, workers, food security, government services, and the environment. The planetary placement on the cusp of the the 2nd House brings economic security to the forefront.

Congress is the 11th House, with Libra on the cusp. Here we have another indicator the 2 Georgia Democrats may win their Senate seats to produce a perfectly balanced, 50/50 Senate. There is a focus on “bipartisanship.” Ruler Venus is in Sag in the 1st House, tightly inconjunct Uranus. Expect the unexpected! The Georgia Senate races may be seen as an “upset.” Certain members may change their party affiliation. There could be sudden reversals in votes or positions on issues. A group of rebels may try to disrupt proceedings. With Venus in the 1st, it appears Congress will try to develop closer relationships with the people they represent.

International relations are influenced by the 7th House. 29° Taurus with Gemini intercepted indicates we are in the last throes of relations shaped by the Trump administration with big changes on the horizon when Biden takes over. A hostile foreign power could attack us by disrupting infrastructure – electricity, internet, or deliveries of needed goods. Biden works tightly with allies after he is sworn in.

Odds and Ends

SERIOUS FLOODING – Neptune-Moon in Pisces on the IC. Very wet winter. Possible oil or chemical spill.


MASS DEATH, HELLISH CONDITIONS IN HOSPITALS AND PRISONS. Children dying in greater numbers. Homelessness and lack of food become a nationwide crisis.


Fall Equinox USA 2020


Fall Equinox USA 2020

Chart: Sept 22, 2020  9:32 AM  Washington DC

Scorpio Rising: The populace is focused on issues of survival, life and death, feelings of betrayal, rage, vengeance, the need for radical change, regeneration, and empowerment.

Ascendant at midpt of Sat/MC: The people experience inhibition of growth or development, suffering caused by others, unfortunate circumstances, shared sadness/anxiety, separation from each other.

The Moon, also representing the people, is in the second house, represents they have particular concerns about money, security, the economy, and the values we express and embody through our choices.

Extremely tight and tense T-Square between:

Mercury (12) – Mars (6) – Pluto/Sat (3).

The focal point is Pl/Sat in the third house of communication, transportation, and early education. Jupiter also is close by. We can see social media and street protests being activities that are a huge focus. Possibilities include:

The state officially acts to suppress and control speech.

Hate speech floods the zone.

Public speech empowers people to stand up to repression by authorities

Protests block free passage of vehicles in the streets.

Protestors are struck by vehicles, causing grave injury or death.

Trump continues his moves to control the education of youth.

Mars in Aries, at the critical degree of 26,  in the 6th house of laborers, service workers, health workers, military, vets, and police.  “The situation has been driven to extremes and has reached a crisis point.”

Armed police and/or military are activated to suppress speech/protests. Potential for violent suppression VERY HIGH.

Workers are angry and in crisis, initiate actions including protests, strikes, and sick outs.

Mercury in Libra in 12th house of hidden enemies, conspiracies, spies, sabotage, prisons, hospitals, and secret ballots (ie the election). 

Investigations and insider whistleblowers release damning information.

Hidden enemies attack the country using disinformation, and social media.

In some districts, ballots are held up, denounced, hidden, lost, destroyed impeding election results.In other districts ballots are zealously guarded, protected, and tallied with extra care.

People in prisons and detention centers are abused and threatened. Dire conditions are exposed. Potential horrifying news of mass death.


10th house Leo, Venus in Leo in 10th tightly inconjunct both Jupiter and Neptune. Ve=Ju/Ne

The president demands to be idolized, uses seduction, flattery, lies, and propaganda to boost popularity. Wants gains and glory without effort. Scandals and losses mount.

The Sun is in the 11th house and MAKES NO ASPECTS TO ANY OTHER PLANETS (peregrine). The president is completely isolated and dependent upon the Senate for power. He no longer has close working relationships with party leaders. He is a figurehead who is being increasingly sidelined and excluded by his party, who are propping him up while they cut him out at the same time.

Transits to Trump’s personal chart show his popularity continues to decline, with another significant drop in approval in October in response to problems piling up faster than he can handle them and one more big “reality check” that pierces through the delusion that he is “making America great again.”

Trump is in the midst of incredibly stressful transits (Pl cnj Sat, Sat opp Ve, Ur sq Pl) to his chart which are triggering a very dangerous period. He is fearful of losing everything and in response is capable of inciting acts of violence and committing mass murder all while thinking of himself as a victim and martyr. 2021 looks to be a year when his health fails and it appears he will be institutionalized (prison? nursing home?).


4th House Aquarius, ruler Saturn in Capricorn cnj Pluto sq Mars and Mercury (in T-square). Aquarius denotes Democrats are working from a place of ideals, fairness, equality, and social justice.

The Democrats feel the existential threat to the institutions of government and their fighting spirit is awakened. Exposure of classified information and results of investigations, attempts to limit police and hold them accountable,  willingness to break norms and traditions to protect and defend essential elements of constitutional democracy, speaking out forcefully and authoritatively, responsive to citizens protests and speech. It appears they are finally WILLING TO FIGHT BACK because they feel it is the right thing to do to advance their ideals.

The Democrats are both beleaguered and become deeply empowered. The politicians support the people in the streets and may join them.

The Economy:

Scorpio 2nd house with Sagittarius intercepted. Moon in (2) inconjunct Uranus (7)

Ruler of (2) -Mars sq Sat. Contraction of the economy. Onset of depression/recession.

Most people (Moon in 2) are very concerned about the economy. Many businesses fail. People living in austerity mode, losing security and assets. YET there is irrational exuberance and a cheerful optimism existing on a parallel plane (intercepted sign). This upbeat economy is in for an unexpected shock. Possible large, sudden drops in the stock market in reaction to unforeseen events.

The Courts/DOJ

Cancer on the 9th house, ruler Moon in Sagittarius (2) inconj Uranus.

The Moon represents the AG, the Supreme Court, major rulings by the courts.

Focus on issues concerning women, the family, health, and national identity. (abortion rights, the ACA, same-sex marriage, DACA, the census counting non-citizens)

Moon is conjunct the fixed star Antares, the “Heart of the Scorpion.” Connotes ruthless ambition, tough, belligerent, pugnacious, destructive, malevolent, intensity and drama.

Bill Barr will do all in his power to destroy the liberal democracy of the USA.  He will stop at nothing. No laws, norms, nor even the Constitution will deter him.  He embodies all of the qualities of Antares as he wages war on the Rule of Law, First Amendment rights, and Separation of Church and State.

Likewise, the GOP Senate will seek to install a new Justice who embodies the Antares archetype, willing to steamroll precedents and norms in service to the same mission.

What does the Uranus aspect suggest? Unexpected events, shocking events, upsets, accidents, injuries or illness, land mines, unforeseen difficulties and reversals.

The path to appointing a new Justice may hit a snag (revelations, illness/absences of senators)

Reversals and upsets of lower court rulings or precedent

Bill Barr could have an accident or health emergency

The SCOTUS could uphold the ACA – which would be a reversal of the lower court ruling.

Foreign Relations: Uranus inconjunction in the 7th also suggests our relationships with foreign nations, both allies and enemies, are likely to undergo significant changes. Some will be shocked and distance themselves. Our foreign debt balloons. Some foreign nations may even impose sanction on us. Look for other nations to do unexpected things to either help us through this crisis or try aid Trump in his attempts to solidify his hold on power.

Summer Solstice 2019

June 21, 2019 11:55 am Washington DC


Virgo Ascendant, Ruler Merc cnj Mars Cancer, Moon in the 6th house.

 The people are focused on practical matters – health care, working conditions, food safety, the environment, agriculture, and veterans affairs.  Important news concerning the above this quarter.

ASC = Mar/Ur – Increased emotional tensions in the populace, intolerance, hair trigger temper, urge for freedom, militia-type groups active, strong potential for violence, civic unrest, disruption of everyday life, bombs, explosions, riots.

MC = Sat/Ur – Breakdown of the old order, attempts to suppress change, quash liberation, limit freedom. The forces of change demand new structures, laws, institutions.


MC Gemini – Republicans have no principles, willing to say anything, change mind, amoral, liars. Some may suddenly change their positions, become turncoats. No coherent governing principles.

Congress, represented by the 11th house, is the seat of a huge power struggle and fight.  Merc/Mars (11) opposite Sat/Pl (5). GOP administration goes on the attack against Congress and in turn, Congress steps up to use their powers to fight the administraton. This fight is a DEATH MATCH, no holds barred power struggle.  Desire to wound or kill, dirty tactics, secrets exposed, cruel words, blackmail, and threats.

This huge power struggle will involve social and political organizations as well as charismatic and influential individuals such as celebrities, sports figures, and social media activists. This is an all consuming struggle that touches on people’s deepest survival instincts. A war of words is unleashed. This powerful opposition involving the 5th-11th axis is a battle for influence, for determining the social structure of our society. We are at war over laws, rules, norms, and a guiding social vision.

Impeachment hearings? Strong yes. Ruler of the 11th (congress) is the Aquarius Moon. The Congress is being guided and led by women. This Moon has a strong response to events, wields powerful influence, impacts the outcome. She looks out for the interests of the common people. Moon is sextile Jupiter at the IC, in direct opposition to the MC. I think the Dems in Congress led by Nancy Pelosi finally take strong decisive actions to oppose the president in response to provocations in service to the nation, not as a punitive act.

The president, represented by the Sun in 10th is isolated. This Sun makes no significant aspects to any other planets or angles. It hangs out alone with no real allies or support. While there may be a huge political struggle going on , the president is increasingly sidelined.  Another signal that impeachment proceedings may begin this quarter.


Ninth house with Taurus on the cusp, Ruler Venus cnj MC.  A powerful T-square lines up with the MC/IC of Venus(10) – Jup(4) – Nep(7). The SCOTUS and/or the AG are acting specifically to bolster and support the administration.  Decisions may be made in his favor regarding executive privilege, limits of executive power, and/or ability to defy congressional oversight. The AG continues to wield its power to benefit the president and oppose the Democrats exercise of authority.

AG or SCOTUS GOES TOO FAR.  Venus inflated by Jupiter and Neptune results in overreach. We may see the dissolution of constitutional principles and erosion of trust in the judicial branch of government as it clearly comes down on the side of the GOP and the president. Neptune in the 7th represents foreign influence secretly sabotaging and undermining our government, political process, the courts, and our national stability. Court or DOJ decisions may be the trigger that unleashes social unrest as well as Congressional power moves. such as impeachment.


The economy is overheated. A bubble economy. Erosion of underlying value and economic strengths while people are seduced or manipulated into irrational exuberance. Shocks come from the disruption of international markets, attacks on trading partners. Sudden upsets and crises occur and the administration is easily provoked to strike back, taking rash actions without assessing the impacts on markets. No evidence of sober, realistic progress on beneficial trade agreements.