Winter Solstice USA 2020

Chart: Dec 21, 2020 5:03 AM Washington, DC

Ascendant: 29° Scorpio

The populace is experiencing the culmination of forces threatening survival – consequently fear, resentment, paranoia, grief, and rage are at a peak. A shift is on the horizon, but first we MUST face get through the current conditions.

Ruler Mars square Pluto:

Mass Death as part of our shared national life. There will also be acts of violence, assaults, property destruction, rebellion, brutality. With Mars in the 5th House, men “playing” at war, doing it for sport.

Venus in Sagittarius, intercepted in 1st, inconjunct Uranus

As ruler of the 6th, Venus may indicate the military/police are called in to keep the peace.

There could be a disruption or interruption of availability of services we depend on to due unexpected or sudden events. Interruptions could be internet or electrical outages, infrastructure failures, wildcat strikes, or sabotage by a hostile foreign enemy.

The Economy: 2nd House Capricorn, 5 planets in (2), Saturn cnj Jupiter (2)

The major concern for the winter quarter is THE ECONOMY. With Pluto in the second House, there has been destruction of economic security for many. Businesses, jobs, savings, and assets have been wiped out. With Mars squaring Pluto there may be a dramatic hit to the stock market and/or banks this winter. With the Sun-Mercury on the cusp at 0° Cap, we can expect the birth of a new presidential focus on helping to revive the economy. The Saturn-Jupiter conjunction at 0° Aquarius also in this House confirms that the US will start to undergo a REFORMATION of economic principles to ensure greater fairness and redistribution of wealth. A new, “New Deal” of sorts will be proposed.

Jupiter-Saturn conjunction at 0° Aquarius

This conjunction occurs every 20 years. For Astrologers, it is known as the Great Conjunction. It is the beginning of a new 20 year cycle of reorganizing society around the issues, needs, and problems signified by its sign. The last 20 years were initiated by a conjunction in Taurus and we have witnessed twenty years spent focusing on maximizing personal and corporate wealth with a couple of serious economic recessions directly caused by unmitigated greed.

We now enter a cycle focused on fulfilling the dictates of the sign of Aquarius – ideals of social fairness, equality, liberty, tolerance, and individuation. We feel the urge to experience our place in the larger social world and participate in a greater social purpose. We can expect societal movement towards addressing economic inequality, racial justice, and gender freedom. We will see innovations and “reimagining” of how to structure many government functions. The US starts the Solstice with the conjunction in the 2nd House, so our first focus will address economic issues.

Politics: 4th – 10th House Axis

The 4th House represents the “party out of power,” in this case the Republican party because they lost the election. It has Pisces on the IC, with a Neptune-Moon conjunction in Pisces as well. This clearly describes the GOP, indicating a reliance on propaganda, deceit, falsehood, and cheating that keeps some of the people in its thrall. The party runs on themes of being victims, martyrs, or looking for saviors. The Moon sextiles Pluto, emphasizing the fanaticism and potential for violent emotional reactions and expression. Moon-Neptune squares the Nodal axis, indicating this delusional cult will persist in its folly until it meets its fate. There will be no exit ramp for them. Jupiter, ruler of the 4th, conjoining Saturn, the planet of aging, death, and loss, indicates we may be witnessing the beginning of the end of the Republican party. This symbolism suggests that the Democrats will eke out wins in the Georgia run-off elections, unless the Republicans manage to “win” through sabotage or cheating.

The 10th House is the “party in power.” Here we have Virgo on the MC, its ruler Mercury snugged up in a conjunction with the Sun at 0° Capricorn. The zero degree placement indicates we will have a NEW president on Jan 20th and a NEW administration, more signs of Biden’s win. Virgo signifies the Democratic party is focused on practical issues – health, workers, food security, government services, and the environment. The planetary placement on the cusp of the the 2nd House brings economic security to the forefront.

Congress is the 11th House, with Libra on the cusp. Here we have another indicator the 2 Georgia Democrats may win their Senate seats to produce a perfectly balanced, 50/50 Senate. There is a focus on “bipartisanship.” Ruler Venus is in Sag in the 1st House, tightly inconjunct Uranus. Expect the unexpected! The Georgia Senate races may be seen as an “upset.” Certain members may change their party affiliation. There could be sudden reversals in votes or positions on issues. A group of rebels may try to disrupt proceedings. With Venus in the 1st, it appears Congress will try to develop closer relationships with the people they represent.

International relations are influenced by the 7th House. 29° Taurus with Gemini intercepted indicates we are in the last throes of relations shaped by the Trump administration with big changes on the horizon when Biden takes over. A hostile foreign power could attack us by disrupting infrastructure – electricity, internet, or deliveries of needed goods. Biden works tightly with allies after he is sworn in.

Odds and Ends

SERIOUS FLOODING – Neptune-Moon in Pisces on the IC. Very wet winter. Possible oil or chemical spill.


MASS DEATH, HELLISH CONDITIONS IN HOSPITALS AND PRISONS. Children dying in greater numbers. Homelessness and lack of food become a nationwide crisis.


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