Will The Second Impeachment Result in Conviction?

Chart Data – Time Impeachment Passed in the House – Jan 13, 2021 4:37 PM Washington DC

For those who want to cut straight to the chase, the chart indicates the Senate will vote to convict. The decision will likely be the last week of February.

We read this as a Horary Question Chart. The Moon’s movement through its sign and the aspects it makes tell the story of the ensuing period during which the answer to this question will be resolved.

At the time of the impeachment Trump is the president, represented by the 10th House with Aries at the MC and Mars-Uranus in the 10th. Accused of inciting a violent insurrection, this symbolism fits perfectly.

The 7th House represents Prosecutors and Juries. The members of the House of Representatives here are not acting in their role as lawmakers, but as Prosecutor and Grand Jury. Capricorn is on the Descendant, with ruler Saturn part of a 4 planet stellium in Aquarius, also in the 7th. This stellium directly squares Mars-Uranus in the 10th. We have a huge amount of tension between these two forces, both in fixed signs. The stellium in Aquarius brings the emotionally detached demeanor of an air sign, weighing their decision carefully with an awareness of what is best for society, what will embody ideals of fairness, and what do our codified laws and rules require? The emotional nature of the Moon is tempered by the more rational Saturn, Jupiter, and Mercury. Decision making is sober and based in evidence. The decision must provide for the safety, security, and national security of our nation (chart Ascendant Cancer). Again, the symbolism captures the moment.

The evidence for conviction includes that the ruler of the 7th House, Saturn in Aquarius, is much more powerful and comfortable in its dignity than is the ruler of the 10th, Mars in Taurus – comparatively weak and physically constrained in a fixed earth sign ruled by Venus. The Saturn ruled stellium (Congress) is MUCH more powerful than Mars (the president) is. The Moon is conjunct the fixed star Altair, giving it a bold, confident, valiant, and unyielding yet liberal nature. Lastly, we observe the Moon’s aspects – marching through conjunctions with all the planets in Aquarius and squaring Mars-Uranus in Taurus in short order. The LAST ASPECT is a conjunction with Mercury, ruler of the 3rd and 12th Houses. Mercury represents facts, data, information, and evidence. Communications (3rd house) and secret plots to commit insurrection and sabotage (12 House) will be presented. As the Moon, Representative of The People, confronts and receives the evidence, it will accept the truth of what happened and rule to convict based on the Rule of Law (Saturn-Jupiter conjunction) in order to preserve and protect our national security (foremost concern of the people, Cancer rising).

The timing of the final outcome is based on the placement of the relevant planets in Fixed Signs within Angular Houses. The Moon will travel 6 degrees from 2 AQ to 8 AQ to form its final aspect. This translates into 6 weeks of time according to Horary intepretation. Six weeks from 1/13 is 2/24. Lets look for sometime the last week of Feb for a resolution to this trial. It will be a tense and bumpy ride – all squares all the way!

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